Renewable Energy Zones - Planning

7. Click here for the latest Updates to the Plan based on the feedback they received. It says what you would expect, but Highlights are: summarized as quite good charts on Pages 16 -17, Community feedback on Pages 19 - 25, Traditional Owner on P. 25. Industry on Pages 26 - 29.
6. Click here for the "Developing the 2025 Victorian Transmission Plan" The Government are asking for feedback by 25 August 2024. The link explains ways to make a submission and includes many Fact Sheets.
This area is in a Tier1 (most probable) area for development.
There is a community webinar on 29 July and 1 August, a drop in session at Mortlake 6 August, and submissions close on 25 August. Some forms are simple to complete.
How can we put it to our advantage? More details about possible benefits at
The DRAFT benefits are significant. Worth reading.
4. Copy of a Guardian article on the topic
3. Click here for The declared offshore windfarm area off Warrnambool
It is ENORMOUS and will require power into the grid.
2. The Strategic Land Use Assessment Guidelines has maps of priority wind, solar and transmission line areas , and least constraints (pages 29 - 35). We scored well in all of them!
1.Who is VicGrid and what do they do?
They are the crowd who are behind all the planning.
6. Click here for the "Developing the 2025 Victorian Transmission Plan" The Government are asking for feedback by 25 August 2024. The link explains ways to make a submission and includes many Fact Sheets.
This area is in a Tier1 (most probable) area for development.
There is a community webinar on 29 July and 1 August, a drop in session at Mortlake 6 August, and submissions close on 25 August. Some forms are simple to complete.
How can we put it to our advantage? More details about possible benefits at
The DRAFT benefits are significant. Worth reading.
4. Copy of a Guardian article on the topic
3. Click here for The declared offshore windfarm area off Warrnambool
It is ENORMOUS and will require power into the grid.
2. The Strategic Land Use Assessment Guidelines has maps of priority wind, solar and transmission line areas , and least constraints (pages 29 - 35). We scored well in all of them!
1.Who is VicGrid and what do they do?
They are the crowd who are behind all the planning.