
Defibrillators are at the
police station door,
post office door and
recreation reserve wall near the footy club rooms. All available 24/7.
Click here for a map of other Defibrillators in Lismore (or Derrinallum) You should also immediately call 000 for an ambulance!
Click on the red balloon on the map for details of the model and the times that it is available.
There is a 24hr access Defibrillator in a green box outside the door of Lismore Police Station.
There is now another in a red box outside the Post Office, and at the Rec Reserve. (Near the footy clubrooms)
(Also called AED or Automated External Defibrillator)
To find an AED in another town, just type the town name in the search box and click on "Locate an AED".
The link below has 2 videos showing how to use the defibrillator.
How to use a defibrillator?? Click here for a link
Download the "GoodSAM" app to your phone and log on as an "(alerter)"
This lets you call find an AED anywhere in Victoria or to call a "responder" in any town to bring an AED to wherever you are.
Click here for the GoodSAM flyer, and
Click here for the GoodSAM information sheet.
These will download as PDF files and explain all the details.
Click here for a video recording of a recent 30 minute Defibrillator info session in Lismore .
You will be asked for this password WcFmdaV7
police station door,
post office door and
recreation reserve wall near the footy club rooms. All available 24/7.
Click here for a map of other Defibrillators in Lismore (or Derrinallum) You should also immediately call 000 for an ambulance!
Click on the red balloon on the map for details of the model and the times that it is available.
There is a 24hr access Defibrillator in a green box outside the door of Lismore Police Station.
There is now another in a red box outside the Post Office, and at the Rec Reserve. (Near the footy clubrooms)
(Also called AED or Automated External Defibrillator)
To find an AED in another town, just type the town name in the search box and click on "Locate an AED".
The link below has 2 videos showing how to use the defibrillator.
How to use a defibrillator?? Click here for a link
Download the "GoodSAM" app to your phone and log on as an "(alerter)"
This lets you call find an AED anywhere in Victoria or to call a "responder" in any town to bring an AED to wherever you are.
Click here for the GoodSAM flyer, and
Click here for the GoodSAM information sheet.
These will download as PDF files and explain all the details.
Click here for a video recording of a recent 30 minute Defibrillator info session in Lismore .
You will be asked for this password WcFmdaV7