(Update 8/7/2024)
The BOM gives rainfall history for Derrinallum since 1898
The BOM gives rainfall history for Lismore (station 089018) since 1919
The BOM gives recent daily rainfall for Lismore
Compare the rainfall for the droughts of 1914, 1920, 1967, 1982, 2006, (and 2024....!)
Click here for a comparison of years This will open a spreadsheet.
There are details of how it works at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
The BOM gives rainfall history for Derrinallum since 1898
The BOM gives rainfall history for Lismore (station 089018) since 1919
The BOM gives recent daily rainfall for Lismore
Compare the rainfall for the droughts of 1914, 1920, 1967, 1982, 2006, (and 2024....!)
Click here for a comparison of years This will open a spreadsheet.
There are details of how it works at the bottom of the spreadsheet.