Lismore Police
Phone 000 for urgent calls
Phone 131 444 for non urgent calls or crimes.
Phone 1800 333 000 Crime Stoppers to also provide information about a crime.
Phone 55601 333 for Warrnambool police station (24 hrs)
Phone 55962 055 for Lismore police station to leave a local message.
Phone 55931 000 for Camperdown police station (office hours)
Click here for other emergengy response phone numbers and other assistance
(Link to the blue posters on the notice board)
Click here for several other papers of interest.
Phone 131 444 for non urgent calls or crimes.
Phone 1800 333 000 Crime Stoppers to also provide information about a crime.
Phone 55601 333 for Warrnambool police station (24 hrs)
Phone 55962 055 for Lismore police station to leave a local message.
Phone 55931 000 for Camperdown police station (office hours)
Click here for other emergengy response phone numbers and other assistance
(Link to the blue posters on the notice board)
Click here for several other papers of interest.